Sunday, January 15, 2012

Last night's supper: fire spiced beef, Copper Creek style!

I went to grad school at UGA, and Copper Creek Brewing is one of my favorite places in Athens. The last time I was in town, I HAD to stop and have the fire spiced beef appetizer I'd been dreaming of for ages, and I asked them how it was made. Sweet soy and sriracha, I was told. I finally found some sweet soy at an asian market this week, and so this evening it was destined to be my dinner.

This is what fire spiced beef looks like on Copper Creek's website, and it is divine.

Of course, I couldn't do just beef for a meal, and flank steak has gone through the roof, so I used what we had on hand to turn this into a meal. I started with about a cup or so of sweet soy, and added somewhere between 1/8 and 1/4 cup of sriracha (if you taste this before you use it, it will taste hotter than it will for the finish product). A tablespoon or two of worchestershire, some salt and pepper, and that's it! I cut up some beef (sirloin roast was all we had handy, so I cut it in a way that would yield short strands of meat for more tenderness), and poured the marinade over it in a bag for about 20 minutes, while I let the saffron rice cook.

The sour cream was just a few large spoonfuls of sour cream, plus a tablespoon or so of curry powder, a teaspoon or two of deli mustard to add a bit of bite to it, and a little turmeric to yellow it up a tiny bit more. I also prepped that while I was waiting on the rice.

It's cold out, so I cooked the meat in a skillet, then poured the remainder of the marinade over the top and let it thicken a little before serving. The extra sauce and the sour cream mixed together with the rice was a fantastic way to clean our plates!

The light betrays the yellowness of the sour cream, but let me tell you, it was delicious.

Total prep/cook time: 30 minutes
Family happiness rating: 7/10. I wouldn't feed this to the kids, and I had no good beer to drink with it. Otherwise, it'd be around an 8.5.

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